Flexible Layout Options


This template features several layout options. You will have the option of presenting your content or any particular page on your website in one of the configurable 3 column, 2 column or full width layout options. Assigning a layout to a profile is quick and easy.


Clean Color Styles

Color Styles

This template features 16 unique color styles, allowing you to select the right tone for your needs. Click on any of the color swatches below to instantly change to a different color preset.


Great Typography


This page presents most of typographical aspects of JA T3v2 Framework. Make your readers happy with great Typography and User Experience!


10+ Module Styles

Module Styles

We know it can get a little boring with all the modules on your site looking all the same. This template comes with a plethora of module styles that will complement the design of your website.


Module Positions Everywhere

Module Positions

These are 24 module positions in 4 spotlight locations available in this template. These are highlighted on this page and shown in the module map below.


Kitted out K2!

k2 StylingThis template is kitted out with special styling for the K2 component for Joomla! The K2 styling built into the theme complements the existing color and style aspects of this theme.

Powerful Menu Options

Menu Options

There are the three versatile menu options to choose from. The Mega Menu is great for menus with lots of links. There is also a simpler CSS Menu and a Dropline Menu to choose from.

Awesome Web Fonts

1293030825_Gnome-Preferences-Desktop-Font-64The Google fonts API allows us to use unique high-quality web fonts in this template unique look. You can choose your ideal font for each item in the admin backend!

Easy Profile Management

ProfilesThe T3 Framework allows you to create custom profiles that you can assign to any page(s) of your site instantly. Profiles can control color, layout, font settings and sizes, menu settings, and many more options.

SEO Friendly

SEO Friendly

Source ordered column layouts keep your most important content always in the spotlight. For lightning fast performance simply enable CSS and Javascript compression from the backend.

Mobile Ready

MobileVisitors accessing your website from a mobile device can be served with a special, mobile-friendly version of your site. You can select which devices and what layout each handheld is served.

Rock Solid Support

SupportThis theme comes with extensive documentation and additionally provides exclusive access to the theme support forum to interact with developers and other members to discuss any issues.

Built with T3 Framework

joomla-t3T3 framework is an advanced template framework that makes it easy for webmasters to easily manage and adjust the look and feel of their website. This template leverages all of T3 amazing features.
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